Best Mobile marketing Review

Best Mobile marketing Review


Dear Marketer, 

Recent studies by Nielsen Mobile indicate 97% of people with a mobile/cellphone will read an SMS (text) message within 15 minutes of receiving it; 84% will respond within 1 hour.
Now given the fact that globally 6 billion people are estimated to have access to a mobile phone and 97% of them are reading the texts virtually right away – do you start to build a picture of why this is the most preferred form of marketing today?
Look at how many people you can target and with the very low price of a text (with some companies or contracts it’s FREE!)
– So you are basically getting a 
free regular ad campaign
In contrast, imagine your email inbox – do you read every advert or marketing title and opportunity that flashes up there? 
No, you don’t. 
Do you click every banner on a website that is selling you something? 
No, you don’t. 
Do you subscribe to every squeeze page, video page or sales page that you happen to click on? 
But you read your texts.And even if you don’t like what you read, before you even know it – you’ve read it, it’s in your brain. You at least know what it was about and the seller has achieved most of what he set out to do.

Mobile marketing has been proven to be more effective than the radio,TV,newspaper,telemarketing and direct marketing.

When you look at the statistics of mobile marketing and other forms of communication, advertising and marketing channels – mobile marketing wins hands down.

For example, an average Mobile Marketing campaign has response rates of typically 12 – 15 % (as opposed to direct mail which averages at a much lower 2 – 3%) and some companies are seeing response rates as high as 60% plus!

Now, if you know anything about copywriting or IM for example – you’ll understand the power of conversion rate and you’ll know that even a silly 2% differencecan be a huge margin in sales and it can also mean a whole bag of money down the toilet.

Speaking of toilets, sadly, an UN investigation found that there are more mobile phones in the world (and people have more access to them) thantoilets. 
Isn’t that crazy?

It may be terrible to think of it that way but it just shows you the sheer influence that the mobile marketing industry has had over people all across the board. 
But then people say, well, so is the internet. Aha, but even as internet and email marketing is growing, 
65% of email is still spam, whereas less than 10% of SMS is.

The battle is already half won since 40% off customers told a survey they love receiving mobile coupons for a wide variety od services/purchases.

There’s nothing worse and more uncomfortable in marketing than feeling like you’re torturing people;experiencing rejection and ignorance. 
Mobile Marketing eliminates that to a great deal since we know from a recent survey (taken by 
that nearly half of all people actually enjoy receiving marketing via mobile – especially if it’s money off or raising awareness of an event or deal. 
In fact, redemption of a coupon received by mobile happens ten times more than traditional coupons, so mobile marketing is now. 
That’s much better than handing out flyers, trying to rope people onto your site online, or forking out a fortune to run a promotion, that’s for sure.
You don’t even have to talk to people or get nervous; you just send it to them like you would do your friends and then casually let it sink in.

Mobile marketing compliments internet marketing because out of Facebook's 7,1 billion users,more than 1 billion of them are using mobile phones to manage their accounts.

If you are already an Internet Marketer or are looking into exploring this field to make money from home, I’m not asking you to replace your selling ideas with mobile marketing. 

Mobile Marketing in fact, is the perfect way to compliment what you’re already doing; an existing business or idea. 

Basically, knowing how to target a whole range of customers and drive them to your site, your event, your sessions or even your local store using just a simple phone will boost everything you’ve done up until now.   

It will bring in more money, more brand awareness and reach so many more people as new potential buyers.

"For Only $22.00, Just Imagine:"

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