Eat Stop Eat Review: Does It Work for Weight Loss in 24 hour?

Eat Stop Eat Review: Does It Work for Weight Loss in 24 hour?

Introducing The Eat Stop Eat Method:

Now Science, Evolution and Tradition All Agree On The Simplest, Most Efficient and Permanent Way To Lose Weight There’s a strange contradiction in the diet world. Everyone seems to accept it without question…Think about it… Almost every diet, weight loss pill, supplement or program is encouraging you to consume MORE of something. Weird right No one is talking about how to make it easier to eat less.

They try and convince you that eating less is hard, scary, bad for you, and that it’s just not appropriate… and they leave out the fact that it’s the only sustainable solution to permanent weight control.

Now, Brad’s permanent solueat  stop  eattion to weight loss is not new. As far back as ancient Greece the famous philosophers of the day were promoting the same principles found in Eat Stop Eat.

And as we’ve seen… it’s really just a way for you to mimic the way your ancestors ate. It’s what kept them lean and healthy. And it’s what your body still craves today...So it may seem strange that “science” has taken so long to catch up. Well…That may not be true. You see the scientific research has been there for years. And it continues to build up...However studies that tell you to “consume” less don’t get the same backing and marketing dollars as studies that hint you can buy a pill, eat a certain food, or purchase a certain supplement and lose weight…

It took a pioneer like Brad to gather all the research. He’s had to fight every step of the way to get the word out. He battled against the status quo — with people trying to claim silly things like fasting would slow your metabolism. Or you’d lose muscle. Or that it wouldn’t work for women. Yet the evidence is overwhelming...

Using Brad’s specific method of IF actually improves your metabolism, preserves your lean muscle tone, and can be used by ANYONE to improve organ health, reverse signs of aging and achieve your lifelong ideal weight.

In Just One Day This Simple Strategy Frees You From Complicated Diet Rules - And Eliminates Rebound Weight Gai 

If you’re ready to finally lose all the weight you want then you’ll love this story...I used to follow the diet gurus like a lost sheep…

That all ended over a juicy hamburger in 2009 across from a fellow named Brad Pilon. He helped me dig out of a deep pit most chronic “dieters” feel trapped in...

Maybe you’ve felt this too...

You start out strong. You’re confident “this time” you’re going to lose the weight and keep it off.

You pick a “diet” and dig in. At first it seems doable. Then the rules get confusing.

You get busy. All of a sudden fighting the endless food restrictions, calorie counts, ounces and portions is overwhelming.

Every meal is a mental battle. What foods to eat? How many calories? It’s  I would go out with friends. I’d either watch them enjoy their meals while I picked at a salad... Or I’d break down... Eat twice as much as I usually would… And end up feeling terrible about myself...

Whatever it is, something knocks you off the plan...

You tell yourself you’ll get back to it tomorrow. But tomorrow never comes. And…Before you know it you’ve gained all the weight back — and more!...

When I look back at those times it’s like I was being herded. Like I was a lost sheep blindly following wherever the diet gurus and their fancy plans drove me — even though time and time again I ended up right back where I started. I was trapped in a pit, depressed and a little bit fatter than when I started...

“How Can Losing Weight Really Be This Complicated?!?”

In every other corner of my life I was in charge. And if you’re like me, you probably wonder how a free-thinking, sophisticated, clever and successful person like you can find losing weight so complicated and impossible...

Which is why I’m writing this page for you. Because I want to share the story of how blind luck lead me to Brad. And how he showed me the one simple weight loss strategy that replaced all the complicated rules and gave me back control.

Not only that, using this one strategy is also proven to rejuvenate your cells from the inside out. So you enjoy a more youthful appearance and energy while you brush away aches, pains and health troubles you used to accept as “normal”...

And I want the same freedom for you. However before you keep reading I should warn you…

The simple strategy you’re about to discover is not something the “gurus”, the big food companies, or the diet industry want you to know. In fact they’ve done their best to attack it with false labels like “controversial” or “dangerous.”

Which is why this information has been so hard to find until now. Just keep reading to find out what they don’t want you to know, and why...

Why Your Diets Have Failed 

Did you know less that 2% of “dieters” manage to keep off the weight?...No wonder we all lose hope that we'll ever get the body we strive for. What I learned though — and what I'll share with you today — is that the endless cycle of rebound weight gain was never my fault. Just like it's not your fault. You see…Diets don't work… for one very simple reason...

When you are told to skip entire food groups. When you are forced to limit the amount of calories you eat. Your only option is to use discipline to stick to the plan. Yet behaviouar science clearly proves you only have a small supply of discipline. And when you run out… well, you know what happens right?...

And the reason you need discipline to follow a diet is because diets are NOT NATURAL. When you follow a diet day in and day out you are fighting against everything your body thinks is best for it’s own survival. Which is why you end up sick, suffering from accelerated aging, and fighting once again with rebound weight gain...

Yet some diets do get ONE thing right. It's just not what you think...

Calories = The Biggest Lie In Weight Loss

In the last few years a lot of diet gurus have tried to argue that calories don’t count… And to be honest I understand why. It’s what we all want to hear!...But to be blunt — It’s also the biggest lie in weight loss...Ignore for a moment all the fancy weight loss theories you’ve heard. Some of them may be true. Some completely bogus. And others so weak they don’t make a difference in your real results.

However there is one undeniable truth about weight loss...

This one thing may not be popular. But it MUST happen, no matter what the diet gurus pretend. Here it is…To lose weight you must eat below a certain threshold of calories. Now, stick with me for a second, ok? I know you’re probably thinking…

Basically it’s a way of talking about the “energy” stored in the food you eat. It’s also used to talk about the “energy” your body burns to live — and to do whatever activities you do throughout your day. Now I know this probably isn’t going to be “popular” advice. However...

Even though you NEVER have to “count” a single calorie… I just don’t have a “magic formula” that allows you to eat as many calories as you want and still lose weight.

What Happens In Your Body During 24 Hours and 7 Days Using Eat Stop Eat

Remember how your ancestors and even your Great, Great Grandparents naturally experienced cycles of consumption that kept their overall calories under a certain threshold.

As a result their bodies stayed lean. And they avoided the accelerated aging and organ damage suffered by folks following the Standard American Diet (SAD).

Yet it happened in a way that didn’t cause the mental stress, cravings and inevitable bingeing caused by modern diets.

You see, everyone has a line in the sand — a certain calorie threshold. Above that line you gain weight. Below that line you lose weight.

“Everyone has a line in the sand — a certain calorie threshold. Above that line you gain weight. Below that line you lose weight. Eat Stop Eat is the only weight loss protocol that allows you to stay below your line in the sand WITHOUT the stress and anxiety caused by diets, food restriction and calorie counting.”

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